Zach Harmer

Zach Harmer

North American Sales & Global Support Manager, SoilOptix® Inc.

Zach Harmer, North American Sales & Global Support Manager at SoilOptix® Inc., is a dynamic leader with a proven track record in revolutionizing the soil mapping business across North America. With roots deeply embedded in the agricultural industry and armed with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography from Brock University, Zach brings a fresh perspective to soil technology. His expertise in GIS and geostatistics has been instrumental in driving success.

Zach’s journey began as a summer student with Practical Precision Inc., where he quickly showcased his prowess. Since assuming a pivotal role under the SoilOptix® Inc. banner in 2017, he has spearheaded the company’s growth, establishing it as a prominent force in the soil mapping landscape. Zach’s strategic vision and commitment have played a crucial role in the widespread adoption of SoilOptix® Inc.’s solutions throughout North America and beyond, solidifying his reputation as a key player in the industry.